Songanizer v2.01 Registration This version of Songanizer is shareware. Please read the file SHRWARE.TXT for a complete description of what shareware is all about. Also, please read the file WARRANTY.TXT for an explanation of the responsibility of both you and Candlelight Software. To register, please fill out the information on the following page, and return it with your $30.00 registration fee (US funds, please) to Candlelight Software at the address below. Besides being the correct thing to do, registration entitles you to: Free updates to Songanizer for a full year. A conversion program to convert old Songanizer data files to version 2.01 A free account on Remote Host BBS, to be used for support, software updates, or recreation. Registered users receive access to high speed lines! Notices of updates and new releases. For an additional $10.00, you will receive a detailed printed manual containing instructions, examples, and tips in using Songanizer. Songanizer v2.01 Shareware Registration Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ City:__________________________ St: __________ Zip: _____________ Country: _____________________ Where did you obtain Songanizer? ________________________________ Any comments?: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Number of Songanizer Registrations _____ @ $30.00 _______ Songanizer with Printed Manual _____ @ $40.00 _______ Subtotal _______ New Jersey residents, please add 6% sales tax _______ Subtotal _______ Shipping charges - Songanizer alone _____ @ $2.00 _______ Shipping Songanizer with Printed Manual _____ @ $5.00 _______ Total _______ Please specify disk size: _____5.25" _____3.5" Please send check or money order payable to Candlelight Software Please do not send cash. Send this registration and payment to: Candlelight Software P.O Box 33 Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927